How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
Right, so I feel as though when it comes to books or magazines or anything that an audience is reading, um I feel like the number one rule is that if you really want to engage with your audience, you need a topic that really resonates with a lot of people. And like I've said before, self-acceptance, self-love, you know struggling with self is just really common today, unfortunately. Um but that in itself has the capability of attracting an audience and making them feel like they're there. Um and the reason being is because they too feel the same way. They've felt down about themselves, they felt like they weren't good enough, they've compared themselves and that in itself um, yeah they just feel like, you know they can engage with us, we can engage with them with our words. Um, another thing is that I did add interviews into my magazine and I feel like that's an even bigger form of engaging with your audience. Why? Because you don't just have my personal opinion, you don't just have the writer's opinion, you now have different people's stories. Now you know that there's not just one person who deals with this, but there's more than one. There's several people out there who have similar stories and they don't even have to be identical. Everybody has their own story, right? And so with these interviews, I believe it gives a sense of rawness and just authenticity. I mean, you know, it's unfortunate that people feel this way, but it's definitely, definitely a big thing. Um, and to have your.. your audience feel as though like they matter or what they have to say is just as important or what we have to say actually offers them a sense of clarity or just advice um is a huge way of engaging with your audience. Um, so my magazine would actually be distributed as a real media text by sending it to publishers. So, um different magazines, based on the genre, whether it be an art magazine, a gardening magazine, um a RNB magazine, whatever it.. magazine it may be, it has different publishers um depending on the category. So I would send my magazine to a publishing company such as Conde' Naste, and it is basically um a company who features glamour magazine. Glamour magazine is a women's uh magazine and it basically empowers women, it also talks about self-acceptance and self-love, just as mine does. Um, the only difference with mine is that I do not have a target market of just women. Um, I do want to you know, spark the attention of multiple genders, especially because I do talk about the LGBTQ+ community um and I think gender is just such a wide spectrum, you know and I think anybody could use this advice and use these stories um to help themselves, and so I didn't want to limit it to just one gender. I feel as though if anybody has the capability of helping themselves, then you know they should definitely take it. *round of appaluse*
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